Beginning in Kindergarten and continuing through Grade Eight, the curriculum shall include instruction in the following areas: Religion, Social Science, English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Health, Safety, Fine Arts, and Physical Education. Family life education correlates with the appropriate subjects.
The curriculum shall include instruction at all levels on the following: personal and public safety and accident prevention, fire prevention, the protection and conservation of resources, and health education.
Students of grades 1-8 are tested a minimum of 3 times per year using the STAR Assessments approved by the Diocese of Stockton. These "basic skills" tests are a measurement of the academic growth of the child over the previous year. It is very important that all children are present when these tests are being administered, as it is difficult to give make-up tests. Results of these tests are available for teachers to assist in the individual child's academic progress. In addition, eighth graders are given a high school entrance test prior to graduation.
Parents will work with teaching staff to modify or increase as deemed appropriate to the child:
The average daily time allotments for homework are:
Grades K: 15 minutes
Grades 1-2: 30 minutes
Grades 3-4: 30 - 45 minutes
Grades 5-6: 45 - 60 minutes
Grades 7-8: 60 – 90 minutes
Note: This does not mean your child will not, on occasion, have more work to complete than given in the time allotment shown for his/her grade level. Incomplete assignments from subjects assigned during the school day may necessitate additional homework time.
To increase cooperation between the home and school, parent-teacher conferences, other than those scheduled by the school, may be held at the request of the parent(s) and/or guardian or the teacher, provided an appointment is made.
To ensure student safety, conferences with the teacher are not permitted while the teacher is on yard duty, while the class is in session, or during the lunch period. If a conference is requested with your child's teacher, please schedule an appointment through the school office. In the event that it is necessary to see the teacher right away, check in with the office and the secretary will call the classroom to see when the teacher is able to meet with you. (Sometimes, there are other conflicts.) While you are meeting with the teacher, please see that your children are checked into Day Care or have them sit quietly outside the classroom.
Report cards are issued 3 times per year (November, February and June). They can be viewed on RenWeb throughout the year.
Any student in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who achieves a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and maintains satisfactory grades in effort and behavior, attains honor roll status. The GPA is calculated by adding the points in the six academic subjects and dividing by six. The academic subjects are religion, reading, language arts, science, history, and mathematics. Points will be allotted in the following manner: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1. Satisfactory grades must be maintained in all subject areas, as well as effort and behavior.
Any 7th or 8th grade student maintaining a 4.0 grade point average, straight A’s in all classes and honor roll status for six (6) consecutive trimesters will have the opportunity to receive a Gold Academic Medal.
Any 7th or 8th grade student maintaining a 3.0-3.9 grade point average and honor roll status for six (6) consecutive trimesters will have the opportunity to receive a Silver Academic Medal.
Beginning in Kindergarten and continuing through Grade Eight, the curriculum shall include instruction in the following areas: Religion, Social Science, English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Health, Safety, Fine Arts, and Physical Education. Family life education correlates with the appropriate subjects.
The curriculum shall include instruction at all levels on the following: personal and public safety and accident prevention, fire prevention, the protection and conservation of resources, and health education.
Students of grades 1-8 are tested a minimum of 3 times per year using the STAR Assessments approved by the Diocese of Stockton. These "basic skills" tests are a measurement of the academic growth of the child over the previous year. It is very important that all children are present when these tests are being administered, as it is difficult to give make-up tests. Results of these tests are available for teachers to assist in the individual child's academic progress. In addition, eighth graders are given a high school entrance test prior to graduation.
Parents will work with teaching staff to modify or increase as deemed appropriate to the child:
The average daily time allotments for homework are:
Grades K: 15 minutes
Grades 1-2: 30 minutes
Grades 3-4: 30 - 45 minutes
Grades 5-6: 45 - 60 minutes
Grades 7-8: 60 – 90 minutes
Note: This does not mean your child will not, on occasion, have more work to complete than given in the time allotment shown for his/her grade level. Incomplete assignments from subjects assigned during the school day may necessitate additional homework time.
To increase cooperation between the home and school, parent-teacher conferences, other than those scheduled by the school, may be held at the request of the parent(s) and/or guardian or the teacher, provided an appointment is made.
To ensure student safety, conferences with the teacher are not permitted while the teacher is on yard duty, while the class is in session, or during the lunch period. If a conference is requested with your child's teacher, please schedule an appointment through the school office. In the event that it is necessary to see the teacher right away, check in with the office and the secretary will call the classroom to see when the teacher is able to meet with you. (Sometimes, there are other conflicts.) While you are meeting with the teacher, please see that your children are checked into Day Care or have them sit quietly outside the classroom.
Report cards are issued 3 times per year (November, February and June). They can be viewed on RenWeb throughout the year.
Any student in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who achieves a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and maintains satisfactory grades in effort and behavior, attains honor roll status. The GPA is calculated by adding the points in the six academic subjects and dividing by six. The academic subjects are religion, reading, language arts, science, history, and mathematics. Points will be allotted in the following manner: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1. Satisfactory grades must be maintained in all subject areas, as well as effort and behavior.
Any 7th or 8th grade student maintaining a 4.0 grade point average, straight A’s in all classes and honor roll status for six (6) consecutive trimesters will have the opportunity to receive a Gold Academic Medal.
Any 7th or 8th grade student maintaining a 3.0-3.9 grade point average and honor roll status for six (6) consecutive trimesters will have the opportunity to receive a Silver Academic Medal.